General information: manuscripts, enquiries and all correspondence should be addressed to: Alessandro Amorosi, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geologico-Ambientali (DSTGA), Via Zamboni 67, I-40126 Bologna, Italy (tel. +39 0512094586, fax. +39 0512094522, E-mail Only papers in English will be considered.
Papers are accepted on the understanding that they have not been submitted or published elsewhere, and become copyright of DSTGA. Three complete copies of all scripts should be submitted. Manuscripts should be supplied as single column, double-spaced text, including references, on one side of paper only, with a 30-mm margin on each side. All pages should bear the author's name and be numbered serially. GeoActa requires accepted final manuscripts on disc; however, discs should be sent by request after acceptance.
Typescripts must be accurate in their final version. Additions at proof stage will not be allowed. The basic layout of the paper should be the following:
Title: brief and specific, followed by name(s) and full postal address(es) and e-mail of authors.
Abstract: it must be intelligible without reference to the paper, and should not exceed 300 words.
Keywords: 4 or 5
Main body of paper: subdivided into 1st, 2nd and 3rd order headings
Appendices (if present)
References: in full (see below)
Tables: each typed on separate sheet
Captions for text figures (the latter should be numbered as in the text and bear the author's name)
References: list all references cited. The author is responsible for the ensuring that the references are correct. The order in the text should be chronological, then alphabetical: (Caio, 1960a, b; Caio et al., 1978; Pinco, 1997; Caio and Pinco, 2001). If the reference has more than two authors, it should appear as first author et al. in the text, but with all authors in full in the reference list. For single- and two-author references, list them alphabetically and then chronologically. Authors' names in the reference list should be typed in capital letters. Do not abbreviate journal titles. Journal titles and book titles in italics. Books do not require the total number of pages.
Illustrations: send originals of photographs but only photocopies of line drawings with your initial submission; retain the original until will be requested. Indicate the suggested size for reproduction and the correct orientation. Figure should be designed to go across single or double column width of the GeoActa page (260 mm, with depth including the caption; single column width of 85 mm; double 176 mm) or intermediate width (120 mm, and caption at the side). Drawings should have a tick line and lettering suitable for reduction to the area of 260 x 176 mm or less. Avoid fine stippling. After reduction, the smallest lettering should be a minimum of 2 mm high.
After acceptance of your manuscript, please supply text (in RTF format) and figures (in TIFF or EPS format) on disc along with good quality hard copy.
Computer line illustrations: please note that fine shading will be not reproduced well. In addition, use patterns instead of dot screen. If dot screen cannot be avoided use large dots with visible white space in between them. Ensure that fine lines are saved as actual line widths of at least 0.5 pt. Do not include any labelling that duplicates the caption, any logos, company diagram numbers or other extraneous matter. Please accompany discs with a list of figs and file names, indicating what graphic package has been used. Send also a good quality hard copy in case we have to scan.
Photographs: good, clear contrast, black and white prints that sharply show the object are acceptable. The object should occupy the whole print. Please don't scan the photos yourself in order to supply as electronic file.
Authors are reminded that the space between parts of a diagram, as well as lines and lettering, may be reduced. A metric scale should be included, and north point (and if relevant, coordinates of latitude and longitude) put on all maps. Large folding figures and maps will be accepted only after consultation with the Editor. The use of colour is discouraged. If colour is essential, note that you will be charged for the printing costs.
Tables: should be designed to go across single or double column width of a GeoActa page. Tables and figures will be placed in the text close to their first citation; ensure that you refer to them in numerical order.