GeoSed - Associazione Italiana per la Geologia del Sedimentario
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell'Università di Siena
Via Laterina, 8
53100 Siena

Table of Contents

Vol. 9 - 2010

Vol. 8 - 2009

Vol. 7 - 2008
SP 1 - 2008

Vol. 6 - 2007
Vol. 5 - 2006
Vol. 4 - 2005
Vol. 3 - 2004
Vol. 2 - 2003
Vol. 1 - 2001-2002

Notes for Authors
(PDF - 80 kb)

GeoActa Special Publication 1 2008

Acquisto online

an international Journal of Earth Sciences

GeoActa is edited by the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geologico-Ambientali of the University of Bologna (Italy), in collaboration with GeoSed, the Italian Association for Sedimentary Geology

GeoActa  is an international journal open to the contributions from all the sectors of the Earth Sciences ranging from Geology-Paleontology to Mineralogy-Petrography-Geochemistry-Vulcanology to Applied and Environmental Geology.

A single volume is issued per year.

Subscription: 25 € within Europe 30 € abroad

Editor: Prof. Alessandro Amorosi
tel +39 0512094586 fax + 39 0512094522

Administration: Sig.ra Fiorella Fantozzi
tel +39 0512094931 fax + 39 0512094904

Table of Contents